How long does dysport/botox last?

This question I get over and over from my patients. How long will my neurotoxin last? It’s a great question because we all wish it would last forever, right?! 

Regardless of which form of botulinum toxin you get (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, Jeveau) the average duration is 3-4 months. It’s important to know however that the results of your FIRST treatment will likely not “last” as long. Why? Well think about it, the action of neurotoxin is to weaken and transiently stop muscle movement where it’s injected. If you have been moving the muscles in your face your whole life they are very strong!

The first treatment I tell my patients should have a great affect on their appearance however may not last your true duration. It’s just an introduction to your muscles to chill out! Most patients will see some movement return at 8-10 weeks and that’s normal! This is why repeating treatment right around the 3 month mark is ideal. Once we weaken these muscles we do not want them to go back to full strength! After about a year of regular (every 3-4 month) treatments you will at a true baseline for duration.  While most patients get 3-4 months some are lucky and get a little longer. This depends on your dose (higher dose = longer duration!) and your individual factors such as metabolism how much you exercise, etc. Dysport brand neurotoxin has been studied to work UP to 5 months and some patients will note they get a little longer with this than others. On the other hand some patients will get 5 months out of Xeomin! Everyone is different! 

My best advice? 

  1. Get the right dose! I am here to help guide that – again higher dose = longer duration

  2. Keep your treatments up regularly (every 3-4 months) especially the first year!

  3. Rotate different brands of neurotoxin! This means if you have been a long time BOTOX brand user try something different such as Xeomin!

Hope this helps! Remember we’re here for you and love to answer questions anytime! Take care beauties! 

Xoxo Meghan 


Scultpra – one of my favorite treatments at M Aesthetics!
