okay real talk, botox or filler?

The BEST skincare products 

When it comes to the world of skincare products it can be SO overwhelming, right? I’m sure we can all relate to buying all the things at Sephora, online from Instagram, even guilty of grabbing those drug store buys right? Well what are the best skincare products? 

Let me break it down for you! 

First, the best products are those that are researched, studied and proven to make a difference! Why waste your time and money on products that look nice and smell good but don’t change your skin? Although the packaging and marketing on some brands look nice when it comes to skincare medical grade is the way to go. 

There are numerous medical grade skincare lines to chose from. At M Aesthetics we’ve done the research for you. We carry Obagi medical grade skincare because of its outstanding track record of game changing regimens and because it is one of the most scientifically driven skincare lines! Developed back in 1988 Obagi is on of the OG’s in results driven skincare. Using quality medical grade ingredients and dosages that work! Best of all, Obagi is studied on ALL skincare types to ensure it is safe and effective for everyone of every skin color. 

Next, regardless of brand the best skincare products are those that you will use consistently!! Consistency is KEY when it comes to skincare. Did you know most products take 4-8 weeks to make a difference in your skin? Be patient and be consistent! If you are using a product occasionally its impossible to judge if it is useful or not. Find a regimen and stick to it for at least 8 weeks before you decide if it is working! 

Third, lets talk about basics of skincare products. Schedule a skincare consult and we can talk but I guarantee I will start off with this - top 3 products anyone over 30 should be using. 

1 - SPF every single darn day!! 

Yes the sun and exposure is the biggest culprit in aging! 

2- Vitamin C! Why? Just like the sun environmental factors such as sun, free radicals, etc also age our skin. Vitamin in C is a protectant to many of these external environmental factors. Best of all it works WITH our SPF for even better protection. 

3- Retinoids. The icing on the cake! This is the name for a family of medications which were approved for acne however have powerful anti-aging benefits. Retinoids include retinol and retinoic acid. The most powerful being tretinoin (Retin A) as this is immediately active in the skin (opposed to retinol which has to be chemically concerted being utilized). There are various forms of retinoids and strengths. Despite these products requiring a little adjustment time I guarantee they will be a game changer. 

So that’s the basics on skincare! Find medical grade skincare that is worth the investment, use it consistently! Start with the basics: SPF, Vitamin C and retinoids. Need help? Schedule a free skincare consult, lets chat!

Xoxo, Meghan 

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