Why It’s Special?
Reduces fat in those stubborn hard to lose areas that have been non-responsive to diet and exercise, such as submental region (the double chin), bra fat, back of the arms, and lower abdomen. The compound is found naturally in our bodies that aids in the absorption and breakdown of fat cells. The cells are then eliminated via the body’s natural processes.

Frequency of Treatment
It is recommended to undergo 3-4 treatments total, 6-8 weeks apart for best results.
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You may NOT be treated if you are pregnant or nursing, have difficulty swallowing, nerve injury or weakness in the lower face, or an infection in the area. Inform your medical provider if you are on blood thinners, or have had procedures or surgery of your lower face or neck.

Prior to your Lipodissolve treatment:
Discontinue Anti-Inflammatory medication (Advil, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Aleve, and Aspirin) at least 3-4 days before your procedure.
Discontinue any blood thinners or any herbs, supplements or vitamins 1-2 weeks before your procedure (ginko biloba, Vitamin E, St Johns Wart).
Discontinue Systemic Steroids (Prednisone, Hydrocortisone, etc.) 1-2 weeks before.
Steroid Injections (cortisone) should be discontinued at least 1 month before your procedure.
Drink lots of water, especially the day of your procedure.
Eat light meal with high protein prior to your appointment
Limit caffeine 24 hours prior to treatment
Wash the area thoroughly and do not place any creams or lotions
Wear loose clothing in the area that will be treated to your appointment as swelling will occur immediately

Post Lipodissolve Instructions
Post Lipodissolve Instructions
0-7 Days Post Lipodissolve Injection:
Common immediate effects after treatment include swelling, edema, stinging/tenderness at the injection site.
· Rest on the of the day of the procedure
Mild inflammation, bruising and tenderness may develop
· After 24 hours exercise is recommended to help achieve maximize results
Wash with anti-bacterial soap for two days following your treatment
A cool shower or compress will soothe any irritated areas
Drink at least 64 ounces of water every day to help your body flush out fats that have been broken down
Bruising may last from 3-7 days
It is normal for the localized fat in the treatment area to change consistency including and become nodular or hard
Allow the treated area to swell, do not place constricted clothing, wraps or ice on the area – this is part of the process of lipodissolve
1-4 Weeks Post Lipodissolve Injection
Bruising should be resolving, some areas of hardening and discoloration is common for a few weeks.
Exercise will aid the body in fat burning after your procedure
Monitor treated areas, some hardened or nodular areas may remain
4-6 Weeks Post Lipodissolve Injection:
Bruising, nodulatrities, redness should be resolved
Your next Lipodissolve Injection session should be schedule for 6-8 weeks after your first procedure
If you have any questions, at any time after your procedure, you are welcome to call our office. Typically, 3-4 sessions are recommended to get the best results